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Drug Addiction Treatment near Lancaster

By integrating a holistic, detailed focus on health and well-being, we provide one of the best healing environments for you.

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People who take drugs always start using them for a reason — whether they mask emotions, build confidence or relieve pain. Addiction can take hold at any age, and it happens for a variety of reasons. People have misunderstood the condition in the past. However, in recent years, the science has developed, and we’re gaining a much better understanding of the mechanisms behind it.

All psychoactive drugs have the potential for psychological addiction, with some causing physical dependence as well. Whether it’s a physical or psychological addiction or both, trying to overcome it alone is extremely difficult, and continued failed attempts can diminish your already fragile self-esteem. Our more in-depth understanding of substance use disorders has given rise to a variety of addiction treatment options. No matter what stage of addiction a person is at, recovery is always possible.

If you or a loved one are suffering from drug addiction and need help now please call 866-986-2486 to speak with a substance abuse treatment counselor.

Is addiction a disease?

Signs & Symptoms of the Disease of Addiction

Drug addiction is a disease characterized by the compulsive need to consume a substance despite adverse consequences. Someone who is addicted isn’t making a conscious decision to use drugs chronically; it’s something they’re compelled to do by the reward center in their brain. Drug use is both rewarding and reinforcing because the user is always craving the effect of the substance, and taking it fulfills their craving.

If you’re struggling with this condition, the chances are that you want more than anything to stop. You may have even tried to quit several times but been overwhelmed by the short-term negative feelings and strength of the compulsion to use. Addiction often distracts the sufferer from being able to think in the long term and magnifies impulsive tendencies, making trying to quit drugs alone almost impossible.

Some of the symptoms of drug use may only be noticeable to the person suffering from the condition, while others are more obvious. If you’re a person with a substance abuse disorder, it’s incredibly challenging to self-diagnose and know when drug abuse has turned to addiction. The nature of the illness causes you to justify your behavior and prioritize it over aspects of your life that your logical mind knows are more important.

  • Preoccupation with obtaining drugs
  • Neglecting responsibilities
  • Fluctuating mood, depending on whether you have substances or not
  • Majority of your time spent high or getting drugs
  • Increasingly high tolerance
  • Withdrawal symptoms upon cessation
  • Interpersonal problems
  • Financial difficulties
  • Changes in weight
  • Memory loss
  • High or low blood pressure

Addiction is incredibly complex, with no single reason or gene that can predict it’s going to present itself. There are thought to be around 50 genetic markers that can predispose an individual to develop the condition. Often, a series of circumstances then further amplify the likelihood, which is finished off with repeat exposure. Several stages are necessary for the onset of the condition, but what causes one person to become addicted won’t necessarily do the same to someone else.

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Why Do People turn to drugs?

The Causes of Addiction

Two people can have similar life experiences, but one will turn to drugs and the other won’t. The following aren’t inherent causes of addiction, but they combine with each other and a genetic predisposition to lead some people to develop substance use disorders.

Confidence & Pleasure

In many cases, people use drugs to give them confidence or make them feel good. It doesn’t necessarily have to be because they have underlying feelings they’re trying to cover up, but this is often the case. You may have simply enjoyed the experience of being inebriated so much that you sought the sensation over and over again until your mind and/or body became dependent on it.

Anxiety & Depression

Mental and behavioral health problems such as depression and anxiety are leading causes of addiction. Using drugs, for this reason, is known as self-medicating, and it’s highly dangerous. Substances may temporarily cover unwanted feelings, but they cause imbalances in neurotransmitters and hormones, which may have contributed to the mental health problem in the first place. This is one of the reasons why drug use makes most mental health conditions worse.

Stress Relief

Most of us have busy lifestyles in which we’re juggling a variety of responsibilities at all times. People with high-pressure jobs may use drugs to take the edge off and stop racing thoughts after a hard day. Using substances to serve a daily function like this is one of the leading causes of addiction because eventually, you feel you won’t be able to unwind naturally.

Guilt & Shame

Some of the most painful feelings for us as humans to process are shame and guilt. People with poor mental health tend to feel them disproportionately, as well as those who have had certain types of upbringings. Using drugs to hide our feelings of guilt only serves to amplify them in the long term. Talking therapy is far more effective at teaching you how to cope with these feelings.

Peer Pressure

People think of peer pressure as being something more aggressive than it is. Your friends don’t have to be forcing you to use drugs or even be always suggesting it to you. Most of the time, just spending a lot of time around people who are using drugs can influence you, especially if you look up to them.

Don't Wait Any Longer.

what Drugs will do to your body

The Effects of Drug Addiction

Each individual is unique; not everyone experiences drug addiction in the same way, and there are many different drugs, each with their own signs and symptoms. Some people become highly adept at hiding the behaviors and effects of chronic drug use that give away their habit, so it’s essential to educate yourself about the more subtle signs if you’re worried about a loved one.

Here are some of the most common effects of addiction to look out for.




Commonly Abused Drugs & Their Effects


Heroin is a central nervous system depressant that mimics naturally occurring hormones in your brain, latching on to opioid receptors and causing euphoria, minimizing pain and bringing on feelings of deep relaxation. It only takes a few days for your body to be tricked into thinking the heroin is the primary source of these neurotransmitters, leading to severe physical addiction.

Opioid Painkillers

Opioid painkillers such as oxycodone, hydrocodone and fentanyl are converted to morphine in the liver, just like heroin. They bind to opioid receptors that are present in the spinal cord, brain and other areas of the body. This tells your mind and body that you’re relaxed and not in pain. When taken more frequently or in higher doses than directed by your doctor, they can be highly addictive. As a result, many prescription drug overdose deaths are caused by opioid addiction.


Tranquilizers such as benzodiazepines cause an influx of a chemical in our brains called GABA. This is released to calm down our central nervous system and induce relaxation and sleep. Doctors usually prescribe this type of medication as a short-term treatment for anxiety and insomnia. When taken for more than a few weeks, it can cause physical addiction, making these conditions worse and potentially requiring treatment to discontinue usage long term.


Amphetamines are also stimulants of the central nervous system, and while they act in a different way than cocaine, they also cause an influx of excitatory neurotransmitters. They induce euphoria, give the user abundant energy and boost libido, but they’re highly addictive and can cause serious mental and physical health conditions when they’re abused.

Addiction has a negative impact on living your daily life. It’s a substantial financial burden, causes the breakdown of relationships and becomes the center of your world to the detriment of all your other responsibilities. It can also have significant repercussions for your health. As well as diminishing your mental health, contributing to low self-esteem, anxiety and depression, it hurts your body and damages your brain physically.

what to do when a loved one is addicted?

Addiction Treatment Options in California

Addiction has a negative impact on living your daily life. It’s a substantial financial burden, causes the breakdown of relationships and becomes the center of your world to the detriment of all your other responsibilities. It can also have significant repercussions for your health. As well as diminishing your mental health, contributing to low self-esteem, anxiety and depression, it hurts your body and damages your brain physically.

It can be frustrating, upsetting and sometimes infuriating when someone you care about gets addicted to drugs, and that’s okay. People respond in different ways — some feel responsible for fixing them, some get angry with them and others try to bribe them out of it. None of these are effective methods of helping someone with a substance use disorder and could even make the situation worse.

The best way to get someone through this problem is to gently and supportively convince them that they need to seek professional drug rehab treatment. Listening to them, being understanding and not engaging with them when they get irritable or argumentative is the best approach. Educating yourself about drug treatment options and having calm conversations about what you’ve learned when they’re in a receptive mood is the most effective way to help an addict. This can also be helpful if you’re wondering can my marriage survive addiction?

Addiction Treatment Options at VRC



If you’ve been using drugs for a prolonged amount of time, they’ll be present in your system for at least several days, even if you stop. Usually, the first step in the rehab process is to go through drug detox. During this stage, your body naturally purges itself of the harmful toxins that have built up in your system. In some cases, a doctor may recommend medication-assisted treatment and prescribe you medication during detox to help minimize withdrawal symptoms.

Inpatient Rehab

Residential rehab is the best way for most people to begin their journey to recovery. Living at an addiction treatment center removes you from your current environment, eliminating your exposure to the triggers and temptations of everyday life while providing the structure necessary to help you change your lifestyle once your program is complete. Inpatient treatment facilities give you 24-hour access to medical and health care and spend your days living in a ready-made support network.

Outpatient Rehab

Outpatient rehab is an excellent step-down from residential rehab. Recovery is an ongoing process, and rehab shouldn’t be seen as a quick fix. If you’ve finished your time in an inpatient treatment program, we recommend gradually tapering the amount of time you spend participating in structured outpatient treatment services for several months until, eventually, you’re just attending regular group meetings. Continued aftercare is crucial in maintaining your recovery and attending 12-step programs such as narcotics anonymous can help you through this process long after you’ve left rehab.

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Overcome Addiction for Good at Our Top-Rated Treatment Center in California

Valley Recovery Center accepts most health insurance plans, making our residential drug rehab program more affordable.

Give us a call at 866-986-2486 to find out if a stay at our residential treatment facility is included in your insurance plan. An insurance benefits check is free, and our trained admissions counselors can help you figure out a treatment plan that works with your available insurance options.

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